Since 2018, Vac Bag Products Ltd has embarked on a continuous program to reduce our impact on the environment using the mantra
Plastic – considered by some to be the most flexible wonder material suitable for a million applications or by others, the greatest scourge of modern society. Whatever your view, there are so many applications for which there is still no better alternative. So how does that square with our vision to take care of our environment?
We have been researching and testing plant based “plastic” made from sugar cane among other things. Durability remains a challenge so while we are not there yet, it is coming.
At the start of 2018, every new Vac Bag was produced with virgin material. By the start of 2022 there was not less than 20% recycled material used and because we produce here in the UK, going forward our long term objective is to increase that to a 100%.
For the vast majority of applications, a Vac Bag can be used multiple times within its life span of 10 year or 5 years if used outdoors exposed to sunlight.
We have reduced unnecessary transport packaging to the bare minimum required to get the Vac Bag to the customer in perfect condition.
Our offices and production facilities are now using Solar power, every bulb changed to LED and appliances upgraded to the latest, lowest energy where possible to reduce our energy consumption and carbon footprint.
Vac Bags are engineered to combine durability and a long life to enable re-use, over and over again
Every off-cut from the production process, any transit damaged factory seconds are kept clean in a Self Store Vac Bag – what else, then transported back to the mill to be recycled and re-used. Nothing is wasted.
Cartons are flat packed, kept clean and re-cycled. You may even find your order has to come to you in a carton that was sent to us!
We already talked about how we as a company recycle materials wherever possible but you can do your bit too.
At the end of the life of a Vac Bag it can be recycled with other PE plastics marked 4.
The quest to reduce our impact on the environment is never ending