Service exchange components by their very nature need to be in pristine, usable condition when then are called into action. Downtime is very costly. Components may have been in storage awaiting the call up for weeks, months or even years. Large, heavy or palletised items, may had to have been stored outdoors.
Using an Industrial Self Store Vac Bag will keep them clean, dust and rust free. Ready for immediate action, irrespective of the environment. With a maximum capacity of 4.3 cubic metres (3m x 1.2m x1.2m) plus the flexibility to handle awkward shapes, the possibilities are endless, the time and cost savings can be enormous.
Each Vac Bag kit comes with a powerful desiccant called Drisorb which soaks up moisture inside the sealed Vac Bag. A Moisture Indicator is included so you can keep a check on the moisture levels. Vac Bag kits are reusable* for up to 10 years or 5 years when used outside and exposed to direct sunlight.
*A new Drisorb sack will be required for each new period of storage
Major airlines have been using Industrial Self Store Vac Bag to safely store engines and other large aircraft components, offshore drillers have been storing service exchange slip rings on deck outside in the elements, palletised motors and gearboxes for a national bakery chain, heavy palletised injection moulding tools when transported in sea containers, excess moisture sensitive stock that could only be stored outdoors and even skid mounted temporary electricity sub stations have all been protected in Industrial Self Store Vac Bags.
What products do you have that need protecting from contamination and the elements? What application do you need help with?
- Simple to Use
- Service Exchange components in perfect condition and ready for use when you need them
- No power required
- Incredibly cost effective